Resting in the Promises of God Brings Peace and Confidence
What you believe about God is the most important thing about you. It shapes your life. It determines how you deal with both good and bad circumstances, and how much victory or defeat you’re going to experience.
Your belief about God shapes your life! God wants you to know that He is a God who is a Promiser and He fulfills each one! Believing God’s promises takes us out of a place of doubt and defeat. Join Paul in this short video to find out how to experience peace and confidence!
Let’s take a look at these great verses that describe who God is.
“...seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature...” 2 Peter 1:3-4 (NASB)
God is a Promiser. It’s His very nature to fulfill His promises to you.
You can’t read Scripture very long without realizing that this fact is revealed throughout history. In Genesis 9, God promised Noah that He would never again destroy the world by a flood. Later in Genesis 12, He promised Abraham, out of his descendants would be a great nation. And, in Exodus 6, God promised to deliver the people out of the bondage of Egypt. These were big promises and God brought about the fulfillment of every one of them!
How we relate to God is directly linked to what we do with His promises. Do you believe Him today?
It takes faith to believe His promises, but He will never disappoint you!
If you’re anything like me, you’ve learned that when you walk by seeing only what's in front of you, it can leave you stressed and anxious. Whatever situation you're facing today, He knows how hard it is for you to walk by faith.
Father knows your makeup and He remembers that you are human. Psalm 103 tells us that He doesn’t want you overcome by fear, wondering and uncertain about your future. That's the last thing He wants for you!
God's promises are His assurances so that you can get through the long nights and the difficult days.
We need to hang on to His promises, sometimes for the long haul. And while we wait, God builds our faith!
When you rest in the promises of God, you'll be more at peace, you'll live more confidently, you'll see good things in store for you. But when you live in doubt and defeat, you'll be stressed and you'll only see what goes wrong in your life.
If you anticipate His blessing, you will see His blessing. He's never going to let you down!
Each week, Paul sends out a letter to his subscribers containing personal and helpful truths designed to help you experience the beautiful truths of the New Covenant. Sign up here.