God's Blessing, Love, or Favour Does Not Depend On YOU
Everything we do in this world, we do under the Law system.
Law systems entered your life as a child - you were rewarded for doing good and disciplined for doing bad. This way of functioning quickly flows through every aspect of life. In today’s short video, Paul reminds you that you’re not under the Law anymore - you’re under Grace, where God loves you, blesses you, and favours you…for no other reason than that you belong to Him.
The Law is a system of rules, a standard set up for us, or one we set up for ourselves. Beginning as children, we are rewarded for our good behaviour and we’re disciplined for our bad behaviour. It continues in school where we’re rewarded for our good grades and reprimanded for our bad grades. On it goes into the workplace, we’re promoted for our hard work, productivity and performance OR we’re held back, maybe even let go for slacking off. It flows through every aspect of life. The better you measure up to that standard, the more you’re rewarded. But when you don’t live up to it, there are consequences to pay.
Then comes Jesus. Thank God, for Jesus!
Having surrendered our lives to Jesus, we naturally want to apply that same Law system to our newfound relationship to Jesus.
We think, I want Jesus to be pleased with me so He’ll bless me. I’ll work hard. I’ll spread the good news to others. I’ll be diligent in my Bible reading and in my prayer time. I’ll never miss praying for one single missionary. I’ll faithfully give my tithes. I’ll get involved at church, maybe even sing in the choir or serve on a committee. The list goes on and on…
It never ends well! You get tired. You get frustrated. You become burned out. When people get on your case because you are not performing well, you can become disillusioned and bitter.
His Place Ministries’ primary purpose is to tell believers that God works under the New Covenant. We’re not under the Law system anymore, but under the Grace system.
Under Grace, God loves you, He blesses you, He favours you…for no other reason than because you belong to Him.
God’s love, His blessing and His favour towards you does not depend on your performance. Whether it be good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Did you catch that good news?
Your favour with God, His blessings for you and His love for you are not dependant on YOU!
The Bible is filled with verses to drive this point home. Take a moment to let the truth sink in.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”
Ephesians 1:3 (NIV)
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
James 1:17 (NIV)
“For the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him.”
Romans 10:12b (NASB)
“The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
Psalm 84:11b (NASB)